Bosch - the Pinball Machine

For a long time pinball machines were a part of everyday culture. Today they have almost completely disappeared from public spaces and are located in closed off hobby rooms or in digital form on the players' private devices. Pinball machines are also neglected within the scientific discourse.

As an expansion of the pinballZ project by the GameLab ZHdK, David Krummenacher's master thesis called "Storytelling in pinball machines" (2018) examined narrative elements and structures of pinball machines. Krummenacher systematically disects the pinball into several basic and complex narative sections. The purpose of the work is to open the field, to give designers of analogue and digital pinball machines a framework by which they are able to identify and think of storytelling in pinball machines, and to review and apply the insights gained in a practical project called "Bosch - The Pinball Machine". The narrative and visuals of the intriguing "Bosch - The Pinball Machine" is set upon the technological framework of pinballZ, a project developed by the GameLab, respectively René Bauer und Julian Schnabel.

Read more on "Bosch - The Pinball Machine" in David Krummenacher's DevBlog: