CH-LUDENS: IdentityWars Amiga vs Atari ST (Experimental Archelogy)

The game IdentityWars is a product of the Experimental Archeology research of the CH-Ludens project. Experimental Archeology means developing things with the tools and possiblities of the time something had originally been developed. Itb means understanding what options were available at the time, how complex the development was. As part of this project, a small game engine was developed on the Commodore 64 in assembler with which games can be programmed. More about the cry64engine and the structure you find in our research blog (german) >
IdentityWars - Amiga contra Atari ST 1985+
One of the developed games is the multiplayer game Identity Wars (Amiga vs Atari ST). It makes the process of the possible successors of the 8-bit generation playable, both of which came onto the market in 1985: Atari ST (cheap and initially widely available) and the Amiga gaming machine (similarly priced from 1987/88 with the Amiga 500). These two systems and their fans fought a tough battle: which was the better system? A real war of identity. This "war" is made playable as a duel game with the corresponding logos over 12 levels. This culture war ends with the victory of the consoles and a little later with new, inexpensive PCs and 3D graphics cards.
The Game
Download the game (IdentityWars.PRG) as a zip and unpack >
Play the game online here:
0. Open the URL
1. First upload the IdentityWars.PRG file
2. Select [Joystick Keyboard 2 -> Player 2] - You enable the second keyboard-joystick
3. You can play it with Cursors+Space and WASD+E.
or use the emulator VICE.
or use an orginal C64 .-)
For Devs
The source-code and all assets, the sprite and the block-editor (mac).
Download all assets and sources here >
Screenshots from the game
Some of 12 arenas.